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#03: Continuing On...

It's officially been a month since Tranzfuser 2024 started! Let's take a look at what else we've been up to recently...

The Social Media Round-Up:

We've posted more asset showcases of our character models to Twitter/X, Instagram, and TikTok. So far we've shown off The Muzzler and Cashmere, check out their turnarounds below!

As a reminder, you can find all of our social pages under our Linktree! - this also includes our Discord Server.

The GameDev Side of Things:

We've been going back to the drawing board on some of our core mechanics - most notably a lot of our power-ups, upgrades, and special moves. Check out the concept art from Leigh; exploring some new ideas for a nail gun weapon attachment, a new 'B.F.G' mode, and it's final 'ScrapShift' form for the demo.

Behind the scenes we've also been working hard to redesign our core level for the demo, making sure it there's a good balance between combat and parkour elements, as well as feeding you some bite-size story chunks and introducing you to the world we've been crafting. We've also been keeping up with reworking our camera and combo systems to feel even juicier than before - but that's still in the oven, so we'll show you next time.

But that's all we have to show you guys so far, so keep reading our blog every other Monday to see what else we've been cooking up, and remember to follow us on our socials to see our work more regularly!

See you all in the next post!

Cuppa Coffee Games ☕


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